Improve your well-being with Jodie's holistic therapies that consider the interconnectedness of mind, body and spirit. It recognizes that all aspects of a person's being must be addressed to achieve optimal health. Discover various forms of bodywork, movement, vibrational medicine, meditation and coaching to promote your balance and harmony. By addressing the root causes of ailments and imbalances, holistic therapy aims to support the body's innate healing abilities and promote holistic well-being. Click on the photo for more information.
This gentle but profound form of body therapy is carried out in the luxury of warm (body temperature) salt water. It combines elements of massage, joint mobilization, muscle stretching and acupressure. The receiver is continuously supported while floating, cradling, cradling and stretching. The deeply relaxing effects of warm water and nourishing support combine with Aqua-Vie's movements, stretches, massages and points to create bodywork with a range of therapeutic benefits and deep healing on many levels.
Now that Jodie has worked with thousands of people in the water, she realizes that a big part of therapy is returning to your sacred source. Aqua-Vie allows us to access the subliminal through sensory deprivation to release deep stress, pain and old patterns that we no longer need. It is the ultimate expression of universal love and compassion as the undulating movements gently open the body, mind and soul and the fragments of ourselves come together.
Tui Na
This ancient technique of traditional Chinese medicine uses rhythmic compression along the body's energy channels, along with a variety of techniques that manipulate and lubricate the joints. It affects the flow of energy by holding and pressing on the body at acupressure points. It is designed to prevent problems and also to correct specific problems such as chronic pain. It improves physical, emotional and mental health by maintaining the body's energy balance.
Thai Massage
In this unique healing system invented by the Buddha and his physician based on loving compassion, the client is guided through a series of yoga postures, while palpating and pushing along energy lines and pressure points from the body. Together, these actions result in a complete body treatment that relieves muscle tension, improves circulation, strengthens the immune system and balances the body energetically. Fantastic for pregnancy, but not recommended for people with bone fragility.
Dynamic Osteo
This body work aims to restore the proper functioning of the musculoskeletal system. More precisely, it places particular importance on bone (placement, structure, organization) and muscular synergy. This awareness allows the bones to regain their proper alignment, muscle function and skin flexibility.
Jodie integrates dynamic osteo into each massage session and is particularly useful for joint mobilization
Bioresonance is a non-invasive therapy that works on the principle that every cell in our body emits electromagnetic waves. This holistic approach aims to balance and harmonize these energetic frequencies to promote healing and general well-being. Using specialized devices, bioresonance practitioners analyze and evaluate these frequencies, detecting any imbalances or disharmony in the body. Subsequently, they use specific frequencies to restore balance, stimulate self-healing mechanisms and support the body's natural regenerative processes. Bioresonance therapy offers a range of benefits including reduced stress and anxiety levels, improved immune function, improved detoxification, pain relief and support for various health conditions. Additionally, it is a safe and gentle approach, suitable for people of all ages, and can be used with other conventional treatments to complement the healing process.
Avec une pratique de yoga de 40 ans, une compréhension approfondie de l'anatomie, de la physiologie et des techniques thérapeutiques, Jodie peut concevoir une pratique qui répond spécifiquement à vos besoins physiques, mentaux et émotionnels. Grâce à des conseils personnalisés, Jodie aide les individus à se remettre de leurs blessures, à gérer les maladies chroniques, à réduire la douleur et le stress et à améliorer la conscience globale de leur corps. Le cadre privé permet un environnement sûr et favorable où les clients peuvent discuter ouvertement de leurs préoccupations et recevoir des pratiques personnalisées qui favorisent la guérison, l'équilibre et les soins personnels.
Jodie a offert de nombreux cours gratuits de hatha et de yoga thérapeutique sur sa chaîne YouTube. Profitez de cette bibliothèque de guérison gratuite !
Wellness Coaching
We all know the recommendations for healthy living: eat well, sleep well, exercise and reduce stress. And then life happens; You may be busy with your career, family, or other obligations and these wellness goals often get pushed aside. If this sounds like you and you want to make a breakthrough to living your healthiest life, Jodie can get you back on track to your optimal health with personalized advice and support, helping you set achievable goals and to develop practical strategies. Through accountability and motivation, Jodie will keep you on track and help you overcome obstacles along the way. By addressing various dimensions of wellness, such as nutrition, exercise, stress management, and self-care, wellness coaching can lead to positive, lasting lifestyle changes that promote health and long-term happiness.
Theta Meditation
Theta meditation, a state of deep relaxation and meditation, offers transformative benefits for reprogramming the mind. By accessing the theta brainwave state, which occurs during deep meditation and sleep, individuals can tap into their subconscious and create positive change. First, theta meditation facilitates deep relaxation, reduces stress, anxiety, and promotes overall well-being. In this state, the mind becomes very receptive to suggestions, making it an ideal time to introduce positive affirmations and beliefs that can rewire limiting thought patterns. Additionally, theta meditation improves creativity, intuition, and problem-solving skills, as the mind becomes more open to new ideas and ideas. Finally, regular practice of theta meditation can help individuals release emotional blockages, heal past trauma, and cultivate a sense of inner peace and clarity, leading to better mental and emotional resilience.
Cancer du Sein
Le projet spécial préféré de Jodie sur lequel elle a travaillé était à la Clinique du Sein Cedar où elle travaillait comme sophrologue. Là-bas, elle a accompagné des milliers de femmes recevant un traitement et se rétablissant d'un cancer du sein et elles occupent une place particulière dans son cœur. Vous pouvez récupérer en paix en harmonie avec ses cours de yoga spécialisés et être rassuré pendant qu'elle soulève en douceur les cicatrices et autres effets secondaires de la chirurgie et des traitements afin que vous puissiez à nouveau vous sentir fabuleux !
Vous aimez les massages de Jodie ? Êtes-vous intéressé à apprendre les techniques de massage, que ce soit professionnellement ou personnellement? Découvrez les cours et ateliers de massage accrédités de Jodie pour apprendre l'art du massage.
Chandelles Auriculaire
Les chandelles auriculaires, également connu sous le nom de thérapie thermo-auriculaire, est une pratique traditionnelle qui consiste à placer une bougie creuse en forme de cône en tissu enduit de cire d'abeille ou de paraffine dans le conduit auditif. La bougie est ensuite allumée et la chaleur générée crée un léger effet d'aspiration, censé extraire l'excès de cérumen et les impuretés. Les chandelles des oreilles peut soulager en douceur diverses affections liées à l'oreille, telles que l'accumulation de cérumen, la congestion des sinus et les acouphènes.